Can You Put Defrosted Chicken Back In The Fridge? [Complete Guide with Q&A]

When you’re stumped about what to cook for dinner, the frozen chicken comes to your rescue. A versatile meat and rich source of protein, chicken can be turned into varied meals using different cuts, cooking styles, seasonings, and recipes. But as you prepare to thaw your frozen chicken, raw or otherwise, you might wonder whether;You can put … Read more

When Is The Best Time To Eat Yogurt According to Nutritionists?

When Is The Best Time To Eat Yogurt According to Nutritionists

Yogurt has been a widely consumed probiotic in traditional cultures as far as 5000 BC.  Recently, various studies have drawn a connection between good gut health, gut bacteria and mental health. #guthealth hashtags aside, yogurt contains most of the nutrients our bodies need for optimal health. This makes it an important food in a well-balanced diet.Most of … Read more

How Long Can Rice Sit Out? [A Complete Guide with Q&A]

A plate of rice on the table, next to an hourglass

Aromatic saffron pilaf, creamy mushroom risotto, and crispy tofu stir fry! They are delicious dishes with one common element – rice! A versatile plant food that blends into every type of dish from savory and sweet to meaty and vegan.Rice is the major source of carbs for half the world’s population. This staple ingredient, particularly white … Read more

How to Properly Freeze Wild Turkey Meat?

How To Freeze Wild Turkey Meat

Are you the kind of cook who enjoys a good bird roast without the excuse of a holiday?With numerous recipes featuring domestic and supermarket turkey, you can cook and serve it any time and in any style you prefer.How about the wild, free-range version of this delicious meat? Maybe a neighbor or friend brought back some … Read more